Alternative health practices based on a philosophy of Western biomedicine.Most of these medical system used in the United States, UK & European Countries. It contains, Traditional Chinese medicine, Acupuncture & Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Chelation, Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Healing, Herbal Remedies, Holistic,Homeopathy,Hypnotherapy,Massage,Meditation,Naturopathy, Homeopathy.
Alternative medicine
Alternative medicine is as having the healing effects of medicine. It consists of a wide variety of health care practices, products and therapies, ranging from being biologically plausible with Examples of new and traditional medicine practices.
Homeopathy is a system developed in a belief that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. It was developed before knowledge of atoms and molecules, and of basic chemistry, which shows that repeated dilution as practiced in homeopathy produces only water and that homeopathy is scientifically implausible. Homeopathy is considered quackery in the medical community.
Naturopathic medicine
Naturopathic medicine is based on a belief that the body heals itself using asupernatural vitalenergy that guides bodily processes, a view in conflict with the paradigm of evidence based medicine. Many naturopaths have opposed vaccination and scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopaths medicine can cure cancer or any other disease.
Ayurvedic medicine
Ayurvedic medicine is a traditional medicine of India. Ayurveda believes in the existence of three elemental substances, the doshas (called Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and states that a balance of the doshas results in health, while imbalance results in disease. Such disease-inducing imbalances can be adjusted and balanced using traditional herbs, minerals and heavy metals. Ayurveda stresses the use of plant-based medicines and treatments, with some animal products, and added minerals, including sulfur, arsenic, lead, copper sulfate.
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine. In acupuncture, it is believed that a supernatural energy called qi flows through the universe and through the body, and helps propel the blood, blockage of which leads to disease.] It is believed that insertion of needles at various parts of the body determined by astrological calculations can restore balance to the blocked flows, and thereby cure disease.
Electro Homoeopathy
ELECTRO comes from the electro bio-energy content extracted from plants and the way that energy is extracted and made into remedies. The force of electro bio-energy connects itself to any disturbance within the body and expels it from the system. It thereby restores the organic tissues and nervous system to their proper balanced state of health.
HOMOEO refers to the equilibrium or balance between the blood and lymphatic systems and works towards “Homoeostasis” which is the correct physical and chemical consistency of the body’s cells. This ensures that each and every cell interrelates as it should so that the body functions at its best.
PATHY basically means a system of treatment. In short, Electro Homeopathy is the system of natural medicines, made exclusively from plant extracts, by which a healthy balance is achieved and maintained throughout the whole body.
Principle of Electro Homoeopathy
In sick person, the body fluids, lymph & blood become polluted and all the parts become abnormal state, which is why the disease develops in the body. Electro Homoeopathy is system of dynamic form of healing force extracted from the plants. It preserves and controls the organism Lymph and Blood, consisting of atoms, molecules, cell tissues, organs etc. by purifying them and returning them back to the normal state. The sick person recovers speedily and completely.
Who can use Electro Homeopathic remedies?
Electro Homoeopathy can be used by anyone of any age group who suffers from acute
What are the side effects?
These remedies are all extracted from non-poisonous plants and do not create drug addiction or side effects. All remedies use the physical properties and not the chemical ones and are therefore ideal to combat the human body disorders without any side effects.
Nagarjuna an Indian metallurgist and alchemist, born at Fort Daihak near Somnath in Gujarat in 931. He wrote the very first treatise Rasaratnakara that deals with alchemical preparations.
Spagyric medicine is ancient natural medicine thehas undergone 500 years of trial, research and practice. Paracelsus the famous Swiss physician, Philosopher and alchemist is regarded as the founder of spagyric, but it was almost forgotten until the 19th century.
Around the turn of the last century the Italian herbalist Count Cesare Mattei (1809-1896) rediscovered the lost spagyric art and founded the system known as electro homoeopathy in Italy. Mattei borrowed from Paracelsus the process of preparing the vegetable substances by means of a more or less complicated mode of fermentation, called cohobation, and also the final combination of the number of ingredients with similar or supplementary effects to form a complex medicinal unity. Mattei has kept the formulation secretly until the age of 78 and he gave all his work to his adopted son in laws Mario Ventrouli Mattei in 1887. After Mattei death in 1896 one of his disciple Theodor Krauss (1864-1924) has established his system in more advanced way. When the real supply of these remedies stopped in 1917 due to World War 1, Krauss reinvented the method in more scientific process known as Krauss method.
All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research (AICAMSR) is a self-financed Non-profit Autonomous council of the unit of ABMCKS- A NGO Organisation based in New Delhi, INDIA, founded in 1995 under S/R Act XXI, 1860, by Government of India. This autonomous body founded with the aims and mission for research & development with promotion of Alternative Medical Science & Research.
In Alternative Medical Science contained 132 pathy in the world including Electropathy cum Electro-homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Acupressure and others for treatment of human being who are out of pocket for treatment and promote through education & awareness to educates the human being and student with class that they can do self-practice with this pathy and get job as self-financed way. As Government of India through high court order recognised the alternative medical system.
Government of India have introduce in its medical programme (Ref. No. R.14015/25/96-U&H(R)(Pt.) dated 25th November,2003 for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare ( Research Disk), Government of India. AICAMSR has already developed the many Centres for the promotion of so many courses of Alternative Medical Sciencein India. Alternative Medical System is 5th pathy in Indian Medical science (After Ayurved, Homeopath, Unani, Yoga & Naturopathy) which has no side effect and risky for human body.
This is very cheaper, easy treatment. Successful practitioner from this Council may do practice with Allopathy at primary level with the programme of WHO. In regard to Max Health Centre, a unit of ABMCKS, is already providing the health system, free health camp & free medicine distribution at zero ground level in rural & slum area in India.
Programmes of AICAMSR
- To promote the alternative medical system, it provides the education through e-learning programme and provides the study centre throughout India & abroad.
- To provide education in certificate, diploma, bachelor, MD & Research course for self-employment so that passed practitioner can provide cheaper & easy treatment to patients at primary level to poor and unorganized Labour who are basically out of pocket for health in India.
Recognition, Accreditation and Validity
- All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research, an Autonomous Body for research & development with promotion is a unit of ABMCKS registered in 1995 by Govt. of India under S/R Act XXI, 1860.
- Legality, Validity & Utility of the training courses, practice and research in the field of Alternative Systems of Medicines are in strict conformity with the Constitution of India as per Article 19(1)g and the Laws of the Land.
- Successful and trained students of the Board can practice and profess the various systems of Alternative Medicines as per the Rules and Regulation of All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research anywhere in India & abroad.
- The Hon'ble High Court of Calcutta passed an Order of "Status quo" in favour of the alternative educational institution against the respondents namely (Deptt. of Home (Police), Union of India; Deptt. of Health and Family Welfare, Union of India; Medical Council of India and others). Hence the practitioners of All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research can practice Alternative System of Medicines without any interference by the above named respondents.
- Registration from Medical Council of India (MCI) is not required to practice the alternative systems of medicines as per their letter No. MCI-34(1) / 96-Med. / 10984. Sponsored to the All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research, Delhi.
Course offered by AICAMSR
Certificate Couses
- Certificate in Vaternity Assistant
- Certificate in First Aid
Diploma Courses:
- Diploma in Alternative Medical Sciences (D.A.M.S.)(AM)
- Diploma in Hypnotherapy (D.H.T.).
- Diploma in Acupuncture (D.Acu.).
- Diploma in Yoga (Dip. Yoga)
- Diploma in Compound Homoeopathy Medical Science (D.C.H.M.S.).
- Diploma in Physiotherapy (D.P.T.).
- Diploma in Electropathy Medical Science (D.E.M.S.)
- Diploma in Holistic Health & Nutrition (D.H.H.N.).
- Diploma in Dental Alternative Science (D.D.A.S.).
- Diploma in Magnetic Healing Science (D.M.H.S.).
- Diploma in Indo-Allopathy Medicine (D.I.A.M.).
- Diploma in Dresser
Bachelor Courses:
- Bachelor in Alternative Medical Science (B.A.M.S.)(AM).
- Bachelor in Acupuncture (B. Acu.)
- Bachelor in Hypnotherapy (B.H.T.).
- Bachelor in Yoga & Naturopathy (B.Y.N.).
- Bachelor in Compound Homoeopathy Medical Science (B.C.H.M.S.).
- Bachelor in Indo-Allopathy Medicine (B.I.A.M.).
- Bachelor in Physiotherapy (B.P.T.).
- Bachelor in Electropathy Medical Surgery (B.E.M.S.)
- Bachelor in Holistic Health & Nutrition (B.H.H.N.).
- Bachelor in Dental Alternative Science (B.D.A.S.).
- Bachelor in Magnetic Healing Science (B.M.H.S.)
- Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Science (AM) - MBBS (AM)
Post Graduate Course
- Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicine (M.D.[A.M.]
- Doctor of Medicine in Compound Homoeopathy (M.D.[C.H.]
- Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.)
- Doctor of Medicine in Electro Homoeopathy (M.D.[E.H.]
- Doctor of Medicine in Indo Allopathy (M.D.[I.A.]
- Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture (M.D.[Acu.]
- PG Diploma in Alternative Medical Sciences (P.G.D.A.M.S.)
- Examination schedule: February/March each year,
- Result: March/April
- New Class session: 20th April to January.
- Final examinations will be conducted at the end of the course.
- Examinations can be taken either in the center in Delhi, India or by postal / online
- Mode. Examination Centre will be decided by the Council.
- The model paper will provide to the student before examination for preparation of theexamination through online / postal of previous examination. Model paper would beobjective.
Registration for Practices
Alternative Council of Medicines Science & Research (AICASMR) grants registration in Alternative Medicines under Rule 12 A on the basis of qualification and experience.
Diploma / Bachelor / Postgraduate Certificate holders of All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research. Or A practitioner having at least 3 years’ experience in any branch of alternative medicines. Or Diploma / degree holders of any authentic institution.
The Registered Practitioner would be declared a person qualified to practice and shall not be convicted or punished by any Government in India.He/she will also be eligible to issue Medical Certificates. These rights are mentioned on the Registration Certificate also. He may mention registration no. on his letter pad issued by AICAMSR.
Minimum Age
Applicants for registration who are not Certificate holders of All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research should be a minimum of 21 years.
Four passport size photographs.
One Experience Certificate of a minimum of 3 years from a Registered Doctor/MLA/ MP/Sarpanch/Gazette Officer or a photocopy of the 10+2 or any authentic institution. One Character Certificate from a respectable person.
Fees are non-refundable
All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research (AICAMSR) conducts a unique and essential training for learning the latest art and techniques of examining patients. The ideal course for all students and novice practitioners of any systems of medicine, one is taught how to check up the patients, conduct physical examinations, read laboratory reports, check the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, pulse, and to use a stethoscope & blood pressure instruments etc. Training is available in major alternative therapies practiced in India and abroad and for paramedical courses also.
Attendance at the Practical / Clinical Training Programme is NOT necessary.
A certificate is awarded to those who successfully complete the programme. Practitioners of any system of medicine and students are welcome to join the programme.
For Open study centre or Fee Detail, may visit or Contact in Corp. Office, New Delhi or send e-mail in details with course required.
"The Judicious use of Alternative Systems of Medicine is found cost effective and having lesser or no side effects. India stays in rural setup, where medicines from alternative systems can play very big role in curing the primary healthcare problems."
Narendra Modi
"I am also happy to learn that the Council is providing research, education, health services through holistic approach with complementary alternative & traditional medicines for the benefit of the society."
ArunJaitley, Minister of Finance, Government of India
""Though, both Central as well as State Governments are laying enormous focus to create health care infrastructure, we still face huge shortage of doctors, particularly in rural areas. The resurgence of traditional and alternative medicine can play an important role to bridge this gap. I am happy to know that All India Council of Alternative Medical Science & Research has completed 10 years of its service."